Hello, everyone.

Jarrett Smith here with the Charleston weather forecast for Friday, June 21st, 2024 and the upcoming weekend.

Humid days are here again.

Tropical moisture associated with the disturbance, which might become a tropical depression before coming ashore in Georgia tomorrow, will overspread the area.

Showers and few thunderstorms expected for a fair bit of the day as a result.

It won’t rain all day at any one location.

Rain will generally be off and on and moving fairly quickly.

So generally expect about a quarter to half inch rain in most spots.

Few locations could see locally heavier rainfall in the wetter storms, of course, and some people may see less than a quarter of an inch of rain because that’s just how these things go.

Thankfully, severe weather and flooding don’t appear to be major issues this go around, and whether this storm remains unclassified or does end up becoming a tropical depression really is not going to have any bearing on what we’re going to experience here either.

So I wouldn’t get too wrapped up in that little detail there.

It’s not going to make us bring the cow down or anything like that.

We’re going to be fine.

Temperatures start in the low 70s, warming to the upper 80s between storms and it’ll be a muggy day as dew points surge in the low 70s by morning with heat indices in the mid 90s expected.

High pressure gets into a typical summertime configuration starting Saturday and we’re definitely going to be feeling it as lows bottom out only in the mid 70s.

The 90s return Saturday afternoon and they’re going to have some staying power through the weekend and well into next week too.

Quite a bit of a warming trend expected and we could get into advisory level heat indices sometime next week.

Showers and thunderstorms will be possible each afternoon along and ahead of the sea breeze with locally heavy rain possible but severe weather generally not expected though you never can totally rule out a rogue storm or two getting a little stronger.

Just be ready to bring outdoor activities inside if a thunderstorm approaches your location.

After all, when thunder roars, go indoors.

And that was Charleston Weather Daily for June 21st, 2024.

I’m Jared Smith.

Visit chswx.com anytime for your latest Charleston weather conditions, alerts, and forecast updates.

Thanks for listening and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.