Hello everyone, Jared Smith here with your Charleston weather forecast for Thursday, May 30th, 2024, along with a peek at Friday and the weekend.

A dry front clears the area by Thursday morning, and that will open the door for a really pleasant ending to May.

Temperatures start in the low to mid 60s, which is a few degrees below normal for May 30th, and will warm to the mid 80s in the afternoon under mostly sunny skies, right near climatological norms for this point in the year.

Dew points will mix out to around 50 degrees during the day, which will keep the warmth more on the comfortable side than not.

Temperatures will continue to run below normal with comfortable humidity through Saturday, with mostly sunny skies expected as high pressure remains in control.

We’ll start to see a warming trend begin Sunday though, as that high pressure begins to shift more offshore, bringing higher dew point air back into the area for next week.

And this will eventually lead to the return of standard afternoon 20 percent thunderstorm chances heading into midweek, but we need not travel ourselves to such things right now with such a nice weekend ahead.

And that was Charleston weather daily for May 30th, 2024.

I’m Jared Smith.

Visit CHSWX.com anytime for your latest Charleston weather, conditions alerts, and forecast updates.

Thanks for listening, and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.