Hello everyone, Jared Smith here with the Charleston weather forecast for Wednesday, May 15th, 2024 and the rest of the workweek.

Expect generally quieter but warmer conditions for the second half of the workweek as high pressure gives us a little bit of a respite before another unsettled period commences on Saturday.

Wednesday will feature a mix of clouds and sun that will help drive temperatures into the mid 80s in the afternoon after a start near 70 degrees.

A few showers and thunderstorms will be possible in the afternoon and early evening as the weak front moves through the area, and a strong wind gust or two can’t be totally ruled out in this stronger storm, so just keep an eye out for that.

The high pressure turns into the main weather driver on Thursday, yielding a fairly quiet and warm day across the Lowcountry.

We’ll start the day in the mid to upper 60s, warming to the mid to upper 80s in the afternoon with just some passing clouds from time to time.

Friday should remain mostly quiet with temperatures once again starting in the mid 60s before yielding to the mid 80s in the afternoon.

High pressure will be departing ahead of our next disturbance though, and there’s still some question as to how soon showers and thunderstorms arrive in the area as a result.

So for now, there’s a slight chance we could see some activity Friday night, but it’s more likely that unsettled weather holds off until Saturday.

Sorry about that.

And that was Charleston Weather Daily for May 15th, 2024.

I’m Jared Smith.

Visit CHSWX.com anytime for your latest Charleston weather, conditions, alerts, and forecast updates.

Thanks for listening, and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.