Hello everyone, Jared Smith here with the Charleston weather forecast for Friday, May 10th, 2024 and the Mother’s Day weekend.

After a stormy Thursday then, aside from a report of quarter-sized hail in Goose Creek, it was generally benign for the Charleston metro, coupled with rounds of unsettled weather arrived Friday before a beautiful weekend.

We’ll wake up on the northern fringes of a thunderstorm complex that will be moving eastward across southern Georgia and northern Florida during much of the morning.

It remains to be seen what kind of impact we see from this complex here at home.

Some guidance keeps us largely rain-free, while other guidance brings some rain into the area.

That’s the most likely scenario right now.

This is important as it will help determine the forecast for the afternoon and evening as the cold front itself swings into the area later in the day.

Less or no rain could allow the atmosphere to become more unstable and thunderstorms that fire along the front to become strong to severe as a result, while shower activity in the morning should help temper how much energy should be available for a second round of storms.

So, I’d be ready for rain at some point during the day tomorrow, and would keep an eye on forecast updates still to monitor the severe potential.

Temperatures Friday peak in the mid 80s, giving expected cloud cover and the potential for showers, particularly in the morning and early afternoon, again depending on the track of that thunderstorm complex.

Once the front gets through, we get much cooler.

Temperatures should fall into the upper 50s Saturday morning, heading into the upper 70s in the afternoon under clear, sunny skies.

Absolutely gorgeous.

Mother’s Day runs a little warmer with highs in the low to mid 80s after another start in the upper 50s to around 60, but it’ll still be another beautiful mid-May day here in the low country, just maybe a little bit warmer.

All in all, not too bad.

I hope you can take advantage.

And that was Charleston Weather Daily for May 10th, 2024.

I’m Jared Smith.

Visit chswx.com anytime for your latest Charleston weather, conditions, alerts and forecast updates.

Thanks for listening, and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.