Hello everyone! Jared Smith here with the Charleston weather forecast for Wednesday, May 8th, 2024 and the rest of the work week.

We reached 90 degrees on Tuesday, the third 90 degree high of the year and the first time since April 20th when we reached 91.

We turn even warmer for Wednesday and Thursday as high pressure ridges over the area.

Wednesday will feature highs in the low to mid 90s under mostly sunny skies.

Heat indices won’t get too out of bounds, but it will still feel a touch warmer than the air temperature will indicate.

High pressure remains in control to start Thursday, sending us to the mid 90s in the afternoon with heat indices in the mid to upper 90s possible.

Storm system will approach the area though, and this will help ignite showers and thunderstorms later in the afternoon and evening.

Given the moist, unstable, and decently sheared environment, a few of those storms could turn strong or severe.

We’ll keep an eye on how things evolve further to our west Wednesday as that will inform the situation locally on Thursday, so stay tuned.

Showers and thunderstorms feature prominently in the forecast on Friday as a cold front moves through.

A couple stronger storms still can’t be totally discounted in this scenario, though the risk looks lower than Thursday at this point.

Temperatures will be governed by clouds and rain, topping out in the mid 80s.

Once the front gets through late Friday and into early Saturday, cooler and drier air moves in for what should be a rather nice weekend.

And that was Charleston Weather Daily for May 8th, 2024.

I’m Jared Smith.

Visit chswx.com anytime for your latest Charleston weather, conditions, alerts, and forecast updates.

Thanks for listening and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.