Hello everyone, Jared Smith here with your Charleston weather forecast for November 1st, 2023, as well as the rest of the work week.

Sweater weather is here, folks! November will start with the coolest shot of air so far this season, which will cause temperatures to struggle to the mid-50s Wednesday afternoon despite full sunshine.

In fact, we may challenge the record low maximum temperature of 55 degrees last set in 2014.

Thursday morning will be the coldest morning since March, with mid to upper 30s common away from the coast, and we could even see some areas well inland dip below freezing, and in fact a freeze watch is in effect for Thursday morning for inland Berkeley and Dorchester counties.

Frost is not expected to be an issue, plenty of wind, not really a lot of moisture to work with, so that’s good.

But that wind that’s going to save us from the frost, it’s also going to help drive the wind chills down well into the 30s.

And it’s been a while since we’ve had a chilly start like this, so remember, layers are good, you won’t need as many layers in the afternoon, but they’re going to come in mighty handy if you’re going to be outside for any decent length of time on Thursday morning.

And while full sunshine will continue, Thursday’s highs are going to struggle to about 60 degrees in the afternoon.

And that means sweater weather warning, day two.

The air mass will moderate from here, though, and we begin to warm up as we head into the weekend.

Friday looks a little nicer, with temperatures topping out around 69 to 70 degrees, and we’re solidly back into the 70s each afternoon over the weekend under partly cloudy to mostly sunny skies.

The coastal flooding risk will continue to diminish over the next few days, though we could still see some saltwater on the roads with the late morning and midday high tides on Wednesday and Thursday, respectively.

A couple more coastal flood advisories could be needed, so keep an eye out for those if downtown is in your travels over the next couple days.

And finally, the tropics are largely quiet outside of a disturbance in the southern Caribbean that’ll drift westward toward Central America.

It’s been tagged as Infest 97L by the National Hurricane Center, and it has a 60% chance to develop over the next seven days.

Vince is the next name on the list should it get strong enough to attain one, and after Vince we’ve got Whitney and then we’re on to the supplemental list.

The good news is that we’ve got nothing to worry about from this one.

And getting into November, last month of hurricane season, we’re almost there.

And that was Charleston Weather Daily for November 1st, 2023.

I’m Jared Smith.

You can find Charleston weather forecasts online at chswx.com.

And Mastodon at chswx.chswx.social, on Instagram and Facebook at chswx, and on BlueSky at chswx.com.

Thanks for listening, and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.