Hello everyone, Jared Smith here with your Charleston weather forecast for Tuesday, August 15th, 2023.

We have one more heat advisory on tap for Tuesday before we finally see a little bit of relief.

We’ll start the day in the mid to upper 70s to around 80 degrees near the coast before warming into the mid 90s by afternoon.

Mid 70s dew points will be common and we can expect heat indices to head to 110 degrees and perhaps beyond for a few hours once more.

From there, expect storms to increase in coverage especially as we get into the late afternoon and evening hours as the front draws closer.

A couple storms could produce damaging wind gusts with heavy rain and frequent lightning more widespread concerns.

We stay unsettled each afternoon Wednesday and Thursday as the front hangs around, helping to instigate scattered and numerous thunderstorms each day.

The silver lining, though, is that we get what amounts to relief for mid-August.

Highs on Wednesday and Thursday should be around 90 degrees.

It’s possible that we may not even crack 90 degrees in some spots, especially on Thursday.

Unfortunately, that does come with the rain.

But mid-August, what are you going to do?

Now as we get into Friday, we start to get back to a more normal summertime regime once more with scattered afternoon thunderstorms and highs in the low 90s.

Thankfully, dew points will not be quite as high, mixing down to around 70 degrees in the afternoon.

That should keep the heat index from getting too far out of hand.

That’s not to say it’s not going to be toasty, but it’s certainly not going to be anything like what we’ve experienced the past few days.

And that was Charleston Weather Daily for August 15, 2023.

I’m Jared Smith.

You can find Charleston Weather Forecasts online at chswx.com, on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook at chswx, and on Mastodon at chswx at chswx.social.

Thanks for listening.

I’ll talk to you tomorrow.